sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Personality, perception and attribution + attitudes and values

At first we have the “Pygmalion Effect”, which explains how the perceiver’s positive expectation may enhance the target’s performance and who through history, relationships among members of a company have taken many changes, when in past times it was less important human capacity, nowadays it is one of the most important assets a company can have.
We have 3 important concepts that influence in today’s business and relations:
·         Personality: It is the individual’s characteristics that influence the behavior depending on the situations on which the person is involved. It’s determined mainly by heredity (family) and the environment (society). There are some theories about the personality; one is the Trait theory from Gordon Allport which says that there are five main traits: extraversion (sociability vs. reservation), agreeableness (warm vs. antagonistic), conscientiousness (assiduous vs. untrustworthy), emotional stability (tranquil vs. anxious) and openness to experience; the Psychodynamic theory from Sigmund Freud which says that the unconsciousness is the one who determines the behavior of a person; and the Humanistic theory from Carl Rogers, which says that the basic human needs which are the self-actualization and the positive regard are achieved by growth as a response and improvement as a result.
The most influential personality characteristics of the Core Self-Evaluation are:
· Locus of control, which is the ability to manage to the events of a person, whether internally or externally.
· Self-esteem, which is how a person feels about him/herself.
· Self-efficacy, which is the personal conviction about one’s capabilities.
· Self-monitoring, which is how a person behaves when guided.
·         Perception: it is how a person perceives the environment in order to understand the world and the self. The perception is influenced by three main things: the perceiver (with its familiarity, attitudes and mood), the target (perceiving the appearance and the verbal and non verbal communication) and the barriers (such as stereotypes and judgments). The perception has some principles which are: the selective perception (which maintains the perceiver’s point of view), the stereotypes (which are the prejudices), the first-impression error, the projection (how estimated the person is according to ones beliefs), self-fulfilling prophecy and the impression management. The attributions are originated mainly by external (outside the person, the situation) and internal factors (inside the person, the personality).
·         Attitudes are the feelings about certain situations or people and it’s highly related to one’s behavior. The ABC model explains the three main components of the attitudes, such as the affect (the feelings and verbal statements), the behavioral intentions (how the person behaves and the verbal statements about the intentions) and the cognition (attitudes and beliefs). The attitudes are created mainly by two reasons: direct experience and social learning (by family, organizations and groups).

On the other hand need to take into account that a company has other important elements which are: Sources and Capabilities.
·         Sources: They have some characteristics like: Independent, simple, static, easier for being commercialized into the market, easy to identify and the can’t be evolved by themselves.
·         Capabilities: They are collective, complex, dynamic, they are the combination and coordination of different sources, complex to identify and can be evolved by themselves.
However if a company wants to growth it has to create value into its capabilities and sources, and have some characteristics like: inimitability, value, apropiability, durability, insubtitutability and non-transferability.

To what do you attribute the success of JICA?
I attribute the success of JICA to its good control of members around the world. They have a humanitarian goal and its structure is based people who want to help other people. They are focused on labor hand and the relationship among the members of this group.
Its compromise with society has been one of the most important activities in Colombia because this guarantees the good relations among our country and Japan, and the success of this project is the support of both countries.
JICA is spread around the world and the study on each country and the facility to move from one to another increase its knowledge and the experience to solve problems in other countries who has been crossing by a hard moment.

·        Steenkamp, J. M., & de Jong, M. G. (2010). A Global Investigation into the Constellation of Consumer Attitudes Toward Global and Local Products. Journal of Marketing, 74(6), 18-40. doi:10.1509/jmkg.74.6.18 – Data Base: EBSCO
·        Alishev, B. S. (2010). Social Attitudes and Values. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 48(2), 11-30. doi:10.2753/RPO1061-0405480202 – Data Base: EBSCO
·        Edwards, M. E., Plotnick, R., & Klawitter, M. (2001). Do attitudes and personality characteristics affect socioeconomic outcomes? the case of welfare use by young women. Social Science Quarterly, 82(4), 827. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com/docview/204357320?accountid=45662
·        Kakhnovets, R. (2011). Relationships among personality, expectations about counseling, and help-seeking attitudes. Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD, 89(1), 11. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com/docview/839829328?accountid=45662
·        Thomsen, C. J., Lavine, H., & Kounios, J. (1996). Social value and attitude concepts in semantic memory: Relational structure, concept strength, and the fan effect. Social Cognition, 14(3), 191. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com/docview/848897579?accountid=45662
Image: http://blogs.exitos939.com/holly/category/encuestas/page/2/

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