sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Organizational behavior + national and organizational culture


Each organization needs to make some decisions and it would be taken by external and internal factors. External factors are those that don’t depend on the group and the internal factors are directly related with the organization like: Sources, labor hand, administration, etc. However those factors are influenced by culture.
But…What is culture?
Culture can be defined as all the values, understandings and goals that we have learned from our oldest generations. Those teachings become, little by little, in common attitudes and codes that guide the behavior of the society and tell to every single member of this how is supposed that he or she must act.
The organizational cultures are all the norms and goals which are common to a group inside an organization, which might vary from one organization to another, depending on some factors as: Culture, Region, Geopolitical influences, etc. We can see how “Organization and cultures are important factors that influence the development of learning organization”[1] and depending on this, every group have a point of view and a way of acting different to another.
In our working environment we can distinguish 4 different types of culture:
·         The Clan Culture: This is defined as a place of work where every person can act like a family, each one support the other and have common goals which makes them to share more than in other situations.
·         The Hierarchy Culture: Here every single member has a position on the company. The power is divided on groups and levels.
·         The Adhocracy Culture: It refers to a dynamic place of work where people feel fry to work and create.
·         The Market Culture: This is a place where the most important goal is to do the best on the shorter time and competitiveness is “the motivation”.
It is important to understand the organizational culture, since it can provide a competitive advantage to know a company behaves, also how to influence the decision making and to gain the respect of the employees of the organization. In this way many studies say that in order to make a decisions managers need to take into account making ethical choices and respect the culture of all of their members, so doing it we can see that the two main functions of the organizational culture are to create an internal integration in order to know how to relate with the members inside the organization, and the external adaptation in order to help the organization to adapt to the environment.

Why is managing organizational behavior in changing times challenging?

As every single day the customs and cultures are changing, it is very difficult to an enterprise to maintain a constant managing behavior. A company needs to adapt itself to all the changes that this globalized world has with it.

·         Rijal, S. (2010). Leadership style and organizational culture in learning organization: A comparative study.International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 14(5), 119 – Data Base: ProQuest.
·         Jung, T., Scott, T., Davies, H. O., Bower, P., Whalley, D., McNally, R., & Mannion, R. (2009). Instruments for Exploring Organizational Culture: A Review of the Literature. Public Administration Review, 69(6), 1087-1096. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6210.2009.02066.x – Data Base: EBSCO
·         Nelson, D.L. & Quick, J.C. 2010: Science, Te real world and you. South-Western College Publication, 7th. Ed. Chapter 1.
·         Mead, Richard. 2004. International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimensions London: Blackwell Publishing. Chapter 1.
·         Elango, B. B., Paul, K., Kundu, S., & Paudel, S. (2010). Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making. Journal of Business Ethics, 97(4), 543-561. doi:10.1007/s10551-010-0524-z – Data Base: EBSCO 
Images: http://blogs.exitos939.com/holly/category/encuestas/page/2/

[1] Rijal, S. (2010). Leadership style and organizational culture in learning organization: A comparative study.International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 14(5), 119 – Data Base: ProQuest.

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